In 2050, the world was unrecognizable from Rollerball in the 1970's. The sport evolved into a highly advanced and dangerous game, played by cyborg athletes with superhuman abilities. Jonathan E, the legendary Rollerball champion, had long since retired and disappeared from public life. But when another upstart team rose to prominence in the league, whispers circulated that Jonathan had returned to reclaim his throne. 

As the new season began, tensions ran high as Jonathan's team faced off against the current champions. This was a brutal match that pushed the limits of the sport. But just as Jonathan's team seemed to emerge victorious, an unexpected twist occurred. It was revealed that the entire league had been rigged by a shadowy organisation, manipulating matches' outcomes to maintain their power and control. In a stunning turn of events, Jonathan and his team joined forces with the other players to take down the corrupt organisation and restore honour to the game they loved. As the dust settled, a new era of Rollerball was born, one built on teamwork and integrity, rather than greed and deception
Rollerball 2050

Rollerball 2050
